ARTICLE: The Ideology of Torture: A Personal, Political, and Philosophical Study of Torture in the MGS series and the Real World

31 August, 2015

Mr. Terry Wolfe, creator of, has once again published a guest article I submitted to his website, entitled The Ideology of Torture: A Personal, Political, and Philosophical Study of Torture in the MGS series and the Real World. You can read it here or download it from my site here.

The article deals with torture in the Metal Gear series and focuses on real life practices and events. I have also included a personal family anecdote to illustrate the horrors of US interventionism throughout Latin America, as well as a comparison with a Latin American US-backed right-wing dictatorship and a Soviet-backed communist one, focusing on what makes the respective ideologies different but why the use of torture and repression becomes necessary just the same (and from a humane standpoint, why they’re just as deplorable). There is also some speculation of Metal Gear Solid V since it features a playable location in Argentina. I have dedicated this article to victims of political repression from all spectrums, and I hope you shall find it interesting.

here Special thanks go once more to Terry Wolfe for the publication of this latest article, and for believing adamantly in my work. It is always an honor to be published on this fine site. I’d also like to thank those who take the time to read it and discuss its themes and ideas in constructive and intelligent debate.

You can visit Terry Wolfe’s website here, which hosts a large selection of lengthy articles about the Metal Gear series and other issues related to the gaming world, aside from tons of other content such as comics, illustrations and podcasts.